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The Story Behind
Bea's Talks And Tarot


Having been born with intuitive gifts as a claircognizant and clairsentient, Bea was naturally drawn to developing her understanding of human thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and potentials. With bachelor's and master's degrees in psychology and social work along with professional licensure, she began her career in the behavioral health field.


After nearly a decade of counseling and coaching clients and groups, Bea began to explore holistic wellness and discovered her niche in psychospiritual healing practices.  She began working with Tarot cards and other divination tools in 2013 and became Reiki 3 Master-Level certified to conduct energy healing in 2016.  She then became inspired to create what is now known as Bea's Talks & Tarot in 2017 as a means to bridge the gap between two ends of the spectrum: western medical-model fundamentalists with extensive schooling, and spiritually-guided alternative medicine enthusiasts with little to no clinical education or training. Today, Bea offers a variety of services designed to assist with your unique needs.  Whether you prefer life coaching, psychic readings, or Reiki energy healing, it is no accident that you have found yourself in the right place.

Your journey towards the life you want to live begins here.

"Man's main concern is not to gain pleasure or to avoid pain, but rather to see a meaning in his life."

- Victor Frankl

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